BOUN伯恩2014-8-19 18:49:13
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    BOUN 伯恩,1962年出生的法国艺术家伯恩先生,现为法国国际艺术学院院士、法兰西国家文化联盟会员和欧洲国际艺术协会会员。


    伯恩曾从师PIERRE SOULAGES,JOAN MITCHEL,GEORGE MATHIEU等世界知名油画家。更因与抽象艺术大师ZAO WOU KI(赵无极)先生共事多年,使他的事业达到了另一个高度。

    伯恩先生每年都被邀请参加法国著名的春季,秋季沙龙(Salon d’automne,espace Auteuil),在卢浮宫(Carrousel DuLouvre)的Art Shopping,在大皇宫(Grand Palais)的Art en capital,在巴士底(Ssatille)的Grand Marche art Contemporary(GMAC),还有独立艺术家沙龙(Salon des Artistes Independants)。每每在展览的贵宾预展时其作品就被订购一空。展后,往往很多画廊都希望和艺术家签约合作成为他的代理。这在世界各地艺术家聚集的艺术之都巴黎,是很不简单的事情。

    此外,伯恩的作品也深受世界各地艺术爱好者和专业人士的青睐,比如意大利佛罗伦萨双年展(Biennale International d’art Contemporary,Florence),罗马国际艺术节(Festival International  Arte De Rome,Roma)美国纽约的The International Fine Art Fair;旧金山的San Francisco Art Fairs,加拿大温哥华的The PuSh Festival等,从展览现场和之后反馈的信息中,不难感受到这一点。在迪拜(Art Dubai)和阿布扎比(Art Paris Abudhabi)的艺术博览会上,伯恩的作品也被有着悠久收藏艺术品历史的皇室贵族,酋长和石油富商们积极收藏。

    在老师ZAO WOU KI(赵无极)的极力鼓励下,伯恩开始关注中国的艺术市场,并以极大的热情积极参与进来。我们有幸与伯恩先生合作。我们的愿望是将具有国际高水准的抽象派油画引进中国市场;提升中国国民欣赏抽象派油画的素质和水平。伯恩的抽象派油画不仅具有高度的观赏性,更极具投资和收藏价值,比如(苏富比)在纽约、香港拍卖,伯恩的作品都曾被美国非常知名的收藏家,以高出预估价格两倍的高价收藏。法国庞皮杜博物馆在两三年里预订伯恩先生的作品几十幅。德国著名博物馆,以色列知名画廊收藏伯恩作品上百幅,等等。伯恩深厚的艺术功底和极具独特的艺术表达方式,让喜爱和收藏的朋友们充满信心。伯恩的作品现在也已经被中国一些很有眼光的收藏家批量收藏。

   BOUNFrench artist Boun, was born in 1962, now he is France International Academy of Arts, the national culture union membership and European International Art association.

Creative style in Boun’s heroic atmosphere, unique, rich colors, shows ingenuity compositions, to give the audience the infinite imagination space and highly visual impact. Each piece contains human constant pursuit and longing for a better ideal and positive humanistic spirit. His profound knowledge, solid foundation of painting, profound theoretical attainments, optimistic attitude to literary creation, broad vision of your life, so that the works are rich in language and artistic conception of exquisite fresh quiet far. Works of much color is natural pigment and deployment, which makes his works from the beginning of out of the ordinary.

Boun has been taught by the world famous painters, such as PIERRE SOULAGES, JOAN MITCHEL and GEORGE MATHIEU. Moreover has been worked with world-known abstract art master ZAO WOU KI (Zhao Wuji) for many years, his career has reached another level.

Boun each year were invited to participate in the famous French spring, autumn Salon (Salon d 'automne, Espace Auteuil), in Le Louvre Museum (Carrousel DuLouvre) Art Shopping in The Grand Palace (Grand Palais), Art en capital, in the Bastille (Ssatille) Grand Marche D art Contemporary' (GMAC), as well as independent artists Salon (Salon des Artistes Independants).Often in the exhibition of VIP pre booked their works. After the show, often many galleries hope cooperating him as agents. This is not simple at the Art Capital – Paris, where worldwide artists gathered.

In addition, the works of Boun are appreciated and be-loved by art lovers and professionals of all ages, such as Italy, Florence Biennale (Biennale International d 'art Contemporary, Florence), Rome International Arts Festival (Festival International Del' Arte De Rome, Roma The International Fine) American New York Art Fair; San Francisco Art Fairs in San Francisco Vancouver, Canada The PuSh Festival, etc., From the exhibition site and after feedback information, not difficult to feel this point.In Dubai (Art Dubai) and Abu Dhabi (Art Paris Abudhabi) of the art exhibition, Boun's works are warm welcomed by the royal family, who has a long history of art collection. As well as the chief and oil rich businessmen.

Because of teacher ZAO WOU KI (Zhao Wuji) strongly encouraged, Boun began to focus on the art market in China, and with great enthusiasm to actively participate. We have the pleasure to co-operate with Boun. Our desire is to be with the international high standard of abstract oil paintings to introduce the Chinese market; promoting the Chinese people to enjoy the quality and level of abstract oil painting.

Boun's abstract painting has not only highly ornamental, more great investment and collection value, such as Sotheby 's (Sotheby's auction in New York, Hongkong), the works of Boun collected by the well-known United States collector, with the two times higher than the prediction price. Ponpidou Museum booked dozens of his works in two or three years. A famous German Museum, Israel famous gallery also collected over a hundred of his works. Boun's deep knowledge of art and has the unique artistic expression way, make his beloved people are full of confidence. Boun's works now have been collected by many discerning Chinese collectors.

    北京鑫雅文化传播有限公司北京东城区王府井澳门中心 世界著名抽象派油画大师BOUN(伯恩)先生中国总代。
